
On this page you will find a list of the services we offer in our land use consulting business. If you have a land use question or concern and don't see the specific service you require listed here - call us, or send an e-mail. If we don't provide the service ourselves, we may be able to direct you to a professional who does.

Real Estate Appraisal

An appraisal is a point in time valuation of your property. It will provide you with an estimate of market value as of the date of the appraisal, taking into consideration the property's physical condition, highest and best use, it's current use and zoning, and assuming a reasonable exposure time on the market.

There are three basic approaches to value:

  • Direct Comparison - where your property is compared with other similar properties that have sold, and adjustments are made for differences. This approach is most commonly applied to residential housing and vacant land.
  • Cost - where the land is valued using the direct comparison approach, and the building(s) are valued on a reproduction or replacement cost (less depreciation). This approach is suitable for special purpose or one-of-a-kind properties where the direct comparison and income approaches cannot be used.
  • Income - generally used for commercial and light industrial property. The property is valued using a capitalized income stream based on market rents for similar properties, with consideration given to it's own income stream.
Taking the road less travelled to bring accuracy and integrity to your real estate decisions.

Appraisals can be done in restrospect - for example, Valuation Day appraisals for Revenue Canada, or they can be done based on assumptions of certain events taking place, for example rezoning.

Before going ahead with an appraisal, it is very important to clearly identify the objectives - the purpose, the intended use, and what conditions the end value may be contingent upon.

At Aspen Grove, we will take the time to sit down with you and be sure we have a mutual understanding of your needs. In some cases, it may not be an actual appraisal you need - but one of our other property services.

Assessment Review/Appeal

When you receive your Assessment Notice, you may think your property is over or undervalued. If you don't have time to take advantage of the comparable sales information that BC Assessment will provide you free of charge, Aspen Grove Property Services offers you:

  • a review of your assessment
  • if it is believed to be in error, acting as your agent in discussions with BCA
  • if resolution is not possible, acting as your agent at Property Assessment Review Panel and/or Property Assessment Appeal Board
  • a point in time appraisal using BC Assessment's valuation date and condition dates

Other Property Services to choose from...

  • Land Use Studies - is a proposed development feasible? Is it the highest and best use of the property? What could get in the way? Be informed before you start.
  • Consulting Assignments - public information meetings, report preparation, liaison and mediation.
  • Due Diligence Investigation for local governments.
  • Project Management - let us look after all the paperwork, stakeholder consultation and referrals to make sure your project goes ahead.
  • Land Agency - available to negotiate surface leases for individual land owners.
  • Right of Way Negotiation/Acquisition for agencies or individuals.
  • Applications to local government and Agricultural Land Commission for subdivisions within the ALR
  • Crown Land Applications & Leases - we can assist you with mapping, locating survey evidence and documentation.
  • Specialized Appraisal Services - Farm/Acreage, Commercial/Industrial/Oil and Gas, Back Country Recreation, Litigation Services (reports and expert witness services required for legal action), Appraisal Review.
  • Program Delivery Contractors - 
    Delivered 3 year pilot hunting program on agricultural land for Ministry of Environment and BC Conservation Foundation; with our partner New Harvest Media Inc. operated Farmers’ Advocacy Office for Peace River Regional District and Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources from 2010 to 2019.